Madden NFL 2000 Mac OS

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One of my PC pals–and yes, I like to think I'm broad-minded enough to include within my inner circle those who use an inferior operating system–recently commented: 'What is it with you Mac users?! I've never met such a group of whiners in my life! One perceived slam of Apple in the press, a single interface element that varies by two pixels from the norm, or the failure of Amalgamated Software Corporation of America to release a Mac-compatible version of its Ultra Thingummy Pro 4, and you people begin caterwauling like a sleep-deprived, teething infant who's had a favorite Orajel-dipped pacifier ripped from its aching maw.'

Madden NFL 19 Mac OS X is the third installment presented also for macOS computers. The previous two were a true success, getting more than 260.000 million downloads together. The '19 title promise to overcome that number because of its improvements. It has been named a ‘stunning return to form' by the critics and we 100% agree with this. 'Madden NFL 2000 is a football video game. This was the second of the Madden NFL games to not solely feature John Madden on the cover in North America. The only other one was Madden NFL '95. Most versions of the game cover featured Madden prominently in the foreground, and a recognizable Barry Sanders in a background action graphic. Madden NFL 2000. Madden NFL 2000 was the first Madden to have a play editor, arcade mode, and the Madden Challenge. The game was released on August 31, 1999 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation, Game Boy, Nintendo 64, and Classic Mac OS. Madden NFL 2000 Playstation 1 Gameplay HD. A match between the 2000 Super Bowl finalists, St. Louis Rams and Tennessee Titans.Madden NFL 2000 (also known as.

After purging this nincompoop's name from my Christmas-card list and posting his personal information–including home phone number and shoe size–to every rabid Macintosh newsgroup and Web site I could locate, I thought, in my broad-minded way, 'You know, maybe he's onto something.'

Case in point: For years I and countless other Macintosh gamers have alternately pleaded, cajoled, and held our collective breath in the vain hope that Electronic Arts would deign to license a Mac version of one of its fabulous sports titles. Finally, toward the end of 1999, this demand became reality. Aspyr Media brought the hot, hot, hot electronic-football franchise, Madden NFL 2000, to the Mac (to read my review of the game, see Reviews, elsewhere in this issue). I nearly wet myself when the first prerelease version of the game hit my mailbox.

But after playing with the game for a while, I felt a fine whine beginning to build. Faced with Madden's countless dialog boxes, page after page of defensive and offensive plays, and a manual that I politely characterize as 'erring on the succinct side,' I formed a whine–minus a colorful obscenity or two–along these lines: 'Any Mac users who've never encountered a PlayStation's clunky and necessarily limited interface are going to scream bloody murder when they first attempt to play this game.'

And I'd hate to have that happen–not only because I'd like to cleanse Mac users of this 'whiner' label but also because Madden is an important first step in bringing more sports games to our favorite platform. Therefore, I decided it would prove helpful to offer a brief primer on how to get Madden NFL 2000 up and running (and passing, receiving, and kicking).


When you're trotting into Bubba's Big House of Mac Software to buy a copy of Madden, be sure to stop by the game-controller aisle to pick up some kind of Mac-compatible game pad–Madden was designed for pad play, and you'll be at a disadvantage without one. I use a Gravis (800/235-6708, ) Xterminator Digital Game Pad ($40) on my Mac, and frankly, although it's a swell game pad, it's more than I require for the game. A simple PlayStation-style game pad such as Gravis's $20 GamePad Pro USB serves nicely–to get the job done, all you need is a four-way directional pad and eight buttons (plus a start button). Remember to select the game pad in the Input section of the Madden NFL 2000 Setup window.

Easy Does It

To have the Big Fun right away, set up the game so you control all the commands–hike, throw, spin, straight-arm–with a single button. Later, when you get a feel for the game, you can turn off this wussy option and control the game's many functions with separate buttons. To configure your game pad for one-button control, choose Arcade mode in the main screen, select Controller Select in the next window, press Button 2 on your controller, click on Controller Config in the next window ( sigh , see what I mean about all the windows?), and finally turn on the One Button-control option.


Training Camp

When first starting out in Arcade mode, don't fret too much about play calling. Pick a few offensive plays you like–a couple of running plays, a short-yardage pass play (a screen pass, for example), and a couple of downfield pass plays–and base your offense on them. Don't be concerned about defensive-play calling at all. Unless you're near the goal line or receiving a punt on the fourth down, press Button 2 and your team will play some kind of zone defense. For goal-line defense and punt returns, the computer can select plays for you–just let the play timer run out. Sure, playing this way will cause your team to lose nearly every time, but you'll get a feel for timing and player movement without the distraction of strategy.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Having endured the boos your recent execrable play generated, you need to actually learn how to play the game. To do so, select Practice from the main screen, pick a team, decide whether you want to practice offense or defense, and then turn on the Play Info option–this displays the name of the play you're practicing and draws the play patterns on the field (see 'Practice Makes Perfect'). Now select a formation that appeals to you–or better yet, one that your team of choice favors (I-formation with three wide receivers for the 49ers' offense, for example)–and select a play that your team would typically execute. Overall, it's a good idea to become familiar with your favorite team's playbook. Madden is tuned to take advantage of a team's strengths–a West Coast short-pass offense for the Chiefs and an in-your-face offense for the Falcons, for example. Play to those strengths.

Practice Makes Perfect Use the Play Info option to view play names and patterns.

I'd stick with the One Button-control option for the first few go-rounds in Practice mode. When using the single button, you'll more easily perceive, for example, that when your receivers run a short sideline pattern, their forward progress propels them out-of-bounds unless you release the ball in a hurry. Likewise, you'll learn that holding down Button 2 fires a bullet pass, whereas quickly pressing and releasing the same button lofts the ball.

Once you're comfortable with your timing, turn off One Button control; then you can select which receiver gets the ball and have better command of special moves like sprinting and twisting. Thanks to Madden's idiotic interface–sorry, I'm whining again–you have to return to Arcade or Exhibition mode to switch off One Button control.

To get a clearer idea of what the button commands do when you're controlling the ball carrier, enter Practice mode and turn off the Defense option. Now when you practice, only the offense appears on the field, and you can try out the buttons on your game pad until the cows come home without fear that a 350-pound defensive lineman will mow down your player.

Illegal Procedure

Sometimes lightning-fast moves and a brilliant strategic mind aren't enough to get the job done. When you need an extra edge, select Arcade or Exhibition mode and choose Enter Codes from the Custom Gameplay menu to enter these cheat codes.

MOJO: all '60s team
SIDEBURNS: all '70s team
TRICKLEDOWN: all '80s team
TEAMMADDEN: all Madden team
HAVETHEROCK: Madden Millennium Team
PAINFUL: more injuries
HANDSOFLARD: more fumbles

FINALBUILD: players fatigue quickly
WIMPBALL: players harder to tackle
NOPICKS: no interceptions
AIRMADDEN: super jump
PHOTON: super speed burst
FIRSTIS20: first down is every 20 yards
OLDSPARKY: electric sidelines

Madden 17 For Mac

In the Game

Madden tries to model the real thing, so play it that way:

•Follow your blockers when running.

•For accuracy, make sure your quarterback's feet are planted before throwing.

•Avoid throwing into double coverage.

•Don't rely on the long pass–play for the first down rather than the score.

•Madden allows you to call audibles. If the defense lines up in a way you don't care for, call an alternate play at the line.

•Know the other team's players (Madden ranks players by ability). Avoid running at or throwing toward a team's best defensive players.

•When on defense, hit ball carriers hard–by pressing the Action button for a speed boost–and you may jar the ball loose.

•Use the clock. If you're ahead with little time left in the game, run out the clock with running plays. If your team is down and short on time-outs, either have your receivers run out-of-bounds or ground the ball to stop the clock.

Postgame Show

Having taken these tips to heart, you won't have to wait long before you're chilled by a Gatorade shower and on your way to the Super Bowl. Sure, at first the going may be tough–but when the going gets tough, my friend, the tough call their agents and demand a five-year, $45.7 million contract and a private jet. And that's hardly something to whine about, is it?

Contributing Editor CHRISTOPHER BREEN pleads with you, in his most annoying, whiny voice, to purchase his coauthored book, My iMac (IDG Books Worldwide, 1999).

Training Camp

When first starting out in Arcade mode, don't fret too much about play calling. Pick a few offensive plays you like–a couple of running plays, a short-yardage pass play (a screen pass, for example), and a couple of downfield pass plays–and base your offense on them. Don't be concerned about defensive-play calling at all. Unless you're near the goal line or receiving a punt on the fourth down, press Button 2 and your team will play some kind of zone defense. For goal-line defense and punt returns, the computer can select plays for you–just let the play timer run out. Sure, playing this way will cause your team to lose nearly every time, but you'll get a feel for timing and player movement without the distraction of strategy.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Having endured the boos your recent execrable play generated, you need to actually learn how to play the game. To do so, select Practice from the main screen, pick a team, decide whether you want to practice offense or defense, and then turn on the Play Info option–this displays the name of the play you're practicing and draws the play patterns on the field (see 'Practice Makes Perfect'). Now select a formation that appeals to you–or better yet, one that your team of choice favors (I-formation with three wide receivers for the 49ers' offense, for example)–and select a play that your team would typically execute. Overall, it's a good idea to become familiar with your favorite team's playbook. Madden is tuned to take advantage of a team's strengths–a West Coast short-pass offense for the Chiefs and an in-your-face offense for the Falcons, for example. Play to those strengths.

Practice Makes Perfect Use the Play Info option to view play names and patterns.

I'd stick with the One Button-control option for the first few go-rounds in Practice mode. When using the single button, you'll more easily perceive, for example, that when your receivers run a short sideline pattern, their forward progress propels them out-of-bounds unless you release the ball in a hurry. Likewise, you'll learn that holding down Button 2 fires a bullet pass, whereas quickly pressing and releasing the same button lofts the ball.

Once you're comfortable with your timing, turn off One Button control; then you can select which receiver gets the ball and have better command of special moves like sprinting and twisting. Thanks to Madden's idiotic interface–sorry, I'm whining again–you have to return to Arcade or Exhibition mode to switch off One Button control.

To get a clearer idea of what the button commands do when you're controlling the ball carrier, enter Practice mode and turn off the Defense option. Now when you practice, only the offense appears on the field, and you can try out the buttons on your game pad until the cows come home without fear that a 350-pound defensive lineman will mow down your player.

Illegal Procedure

Sometimes lightning-fast moves and a brilliant strategic mind aren't enough to get the job done. When you need an extra edge, select Arcade or Exhibition mode and choose Enter Codes from the Custom Gameplay menu to enter these cheat codes.

MOJO: all '60s team
SIDEBURNS: all '70s team
TRICKLEDOWN: all '80s team
TEAMMADDEN: all Madden team
HAVETHEROCK: Madden Millennium Team
PAINFUL: more injuries
HANDSOFLARD: more fumbles

FINALBUILD: players fatigue quickly
WIMPBALL: players harder to tackle
NOPICKS: no interceptions
AIRMADDEN: super jump
PHOTON: super speed burst
FIRSTIS20: first down is every 20 yards
OLDSPARKY: electric sidelines

Madden 17 For Mac

In the Game

Madden tries to model the real thing, so play it that way:

•Follow your blockers when running.

•For accuracy, make sure your quarterback's feet are planted before throwing.

•Avoid throwing into double coverage.

•Don't rely on the long pass–play for the first down rather than the score.

•Madden allows you to call audibles. If the defense lines up in a way you don't care for, call an alternate play at the line.

•Know the other team's players (Madden ranks players by ability). Avoid running at or throwing toward a team's best defensive players.

•When on defense, hit ball carriers hard–by pressing the Action button for a speed boost–and you may jar the ball loose.

•Use the clock. If you're ahead with little time left in the game, run out the clock with running plays. If your team is down and short on time-outs, either have your receivers run out-of-bounds or ground the ball to stop the clock.

Postgame Show

Having taken these tips to heart, you won't have to wait long before you're chilled by a Gatorade shower and on your way to the Super Bowl. Sure, at first the going may be tough–but when the going gets tough, my friend, the tough call their agents and demand a five-year, $45.7 million contract and a private jet. And that's hardly something to whine about, is it?

Contributing Editor CHRISTOPHER BREEN pleads with you, in his most annoying, whiny voice, to purchase his coauthored book, My iMac (IDG Books Worldwide, 1999).

March 2000 page: 63


Like a fine wine, this pigskin franchise only improves with age. Last year, Madden took yet another step in the direction of videogame greatness with the addition of online play (only for PS2). There was one small hiccup, though: Typing text messages to your gridiron adversary after you lit up the scoreboard with another touchdown pass was pretty annoying. This season, added voice chat through the SOCOM headset (again, just for PS2 players) lets you truly talk the talk as you try to walk the walk in online tournaments.


Madden Nfl 2000 Mac Os X

We've learned that the GameCube version will utilize the Game Boy Advance connectivity feature. EA, however, is currently tight-lipped about how it will enhance gameplay. All current versions (sorry, PS1 owners) will be treated to a new Owner mode and something EA is calling Playmaker Control, but again, the company is being hush-hush on specifics. All we can ascertain about the latter is that it will attempt to give you a better chance of making the proper play after the snap of the ball. Of course, what would a football game be without Mr. Madden's inane ramblings and somewhat delusional on-the-field observations? Expect the same timeless football anecdotes for which John is (in)famous.

Madden 2000 Pc

Overall rating: 7

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